Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time to plan ahead

I once heard that Wisdom is “wise doing”. I suppose if you have learned something but don’t actually apply it into your life through your actions then it hasn’t really been learnt and therefore is not really wisdom.

There are many stages in the life of an ordinary man. At this time of year I’m reminded of two.
The first of these is:-
Stage 1)  we believe in Santa
Stage 2)  we don’t believe in Santa
Stage 3)  we become Santa!

The second one is a little more serious. Only two stages in this.
Stage 1) up to the age of around 40/45 we chase success
Stage 2) after that age we chase significance.

Just as a side note. Its my birthday on the 23rd of January. I’ll be 54.
Is it just me or do birthdays make you review your life? Do you try to measure your progress along some imaginary path that you either set for yourself or others set for you? Do you compare your “success” in life to others who are the same age? How do you measure success?
Did you ever actually take the time to plot out a game plan for your life? Did you ever write a mission statement for “YOU. inc”?  
Did you ever write down your gifts and talents and see how to make the best use of them to get you to where you want to go? Did you ever access what additional skill or talents you needed to complete your mission and then set about getting them?
If you’ve done any of the above you’re somewhere in the 3 or 5% of the population that also has. If, like me, you’re with the 95% that haven’t, don’t despair, tomorrow is waiting for you. A fresh 24 hour start to the rest of your life.
There is nothing so freeing as sitting down with a blank piece of paper and thinking about what you want out of life.
 Mind you, its not easy!
Here’s how I would suggest you start.
1)      Ask yourself “if time and money were not an issue, how would I spend the next 5 years of my life? What would I be? What would I do? And what would I have?”
2)      Ask yourself “  what is the ONE thing, that I could add to my life OR the ONE thing that I could take out of my life right now that  would have an immediate and positive effect”.
3)      Write down  how you can get that ONE thing? Let you mind think freely. Don’t put up any barriers yet. At first your ideas will seem silly and unobtainable but you’ll b amazed that after a while of writing your “unrealistic” ideas – something will happen that will get you excited with a “possible” solution. Time is not important at this stage. Allow yourself some quiet time away from distractions. Come back to it if you have to. Do it over a few days. Don’t discuss it with people who don’t have a vision for their own lives. They’ll only offer you negatives.

You’ll see my motto under my blog name “when you can see the invisible – you can achieve the impossible”
Anything that has been invented, any story or song ever written, any great achievement by anyone had they’re beginnings as a thought and thoughts are invisible to everyone but yourself! There is creative power in thoughts. My Dad always said that thinking is the most powerful but most under used ability of a human! We can earn an average income (give or take 10% ) using our body from our neck down but the sky’s the limit for our income if we use our body from the neck up. How true is that!
Let me know how you’re getting on.
Talk soon
Jim B

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