Did you know that people only ever buy 2 things.
“That can’t be true” I hear you say. “I see shopping trolleys of things leaving the supermarket every week. How can people only ever buy 2 things?”
If you think about it you will find that anything that anybody buys will fall into one or both of these two categories
1) Something that solves a problem.
2) Something that makes them feel good
So, what solves a problem for example?
a bulb, toilet roll, sandwich bags, washing up liquid, some foods, a drill, paint, visit to the doctor etc.
So, what makes someone feel good?
A car, a holiday, sweets/cakes, clothes, visit to the hair dresser, beer, DVD etc
You get my drift?
Next time you’re selling anything, ask yourself “is this customer looking for a solution to a problem or a good feeling” then promote the value of your products as the “solution” or the “good feeling“ that the customer is looking for.
Hope you found this thought provoking.
Jim B
I remember hearing somewhere before.. 'People dont buy drills, they buy holes'