My Dad used to say “be sure when you leave someone’s home to close the garden gate behind you”
He said it was a sign of respect and consideration for the home owner’s privacy, the work they have done in the garden and your acknowledgement of both.
Isn’t if funny that the modern home very often no longer has a gate!. We’re now in the age of open plan gardens. Is this an expression of a more open society, welcoming and barrier free or a reflection of a society with a growing lack of consideration for the respect and privacy of others?
Just thinking!
Talk soon
Jim B
Interesting thought! I fear it's the latter! Myself and hubby often comment on this as children we dont know wander up to our window and make faces in at us or set up their goals across ours and our neighbours garden(neither of us their parents nor parents at all!!) it's an unfortunate sign of the times where the generations growing up behind us don't understand the word respect therefore do not act with any!